Friday, October 12, 2007

The vultures are circling

The vultures, in this case, are the throngs of reporters who have circled Joe Torre's house in a shameful display of tabloid hackery at its worst. There are stories whose importance might warrant harassing a man at his home, but whether or not the Yankees' manager will be fired is not one of them. It's incredible to me that this point even needs to made.

Anyway, there's not much in the way of actual news out in Yankeeland, just a lot of rumors and posturing. What's hilarious to me is how much those things have been contradictory. For example, I've read that the lack of word from the Yankees' on Joe Torre's fate means that Steinbrenner is reconsidering his position, and that it means the decision's been made. In other words, we won't know a thing until the starts having some organizational meetings in Tampa next week.

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