Monday, October 8, 2007

Wang to pitch tonight

Joe Torre didn't leave the question of tonight's starter up in the air for long. It's not a particularly surprising move. If the Yankees were eliminated tonight without sending their best to the mound, there'd be hell to pay. Granted, we don't know how Chien-Ming Wang will react to pitching on three days rest, but I think it'll work out. Wang is an efficient pitcher who can give you a good seven innings without running up much of a pitch count.

Also, I have a feeling that part of his problems in game one had to do with being a little rusty after too much rest. His sinker ought to have its customary bite, and it'll just be a question of whether or not he can command it. Which, of course, is a big question. The Indians showed great discipline last night, continually laying off Roger Clemens' out pitch, the splitter, because Clemens couldn't hit the lower part of the strike zone, which is where Wang lives. The Indians are going to make Wang earn that strike, but if he can hit it he'll be unstoppable.

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